AAFCO Pet Food Formula Comparison
The AAFCO Pet Food Formula Comparison feature compares the nutrient profile of a chosen product to one of four standard nutrient profiles, and indicates any violation of the standard values. Per convention, the product nutrients are converted to 100% dry matter and then corrected to the standard AAFCO Pet ME value for the corresponding species (currently 3.5 for dogs, 4.0 for cats) before comparing to the standard values.
AAFCO identifies the four standards as Canine Growth and Reproduction, Canine Adult Maintenance, Feline Growth and Reproduction, and Feline Adult Maintenance. The nutrient profile of each standard is user-defined (AAFCO specifications are recommended), and the standards can be stored in a plant separate from the working plants to maintain greater security.
The AAFCO comparisons can be made from the Trial View/Modify screen, the Production View/Modify screen, and the Buffered Least Cost Formulation screen.
The AAFCO Pet Food Comparison feature is standard in Concept5. It is flexible and allows the users to maintain the AAFCO nutrient standards in the form of product ID's used as a template. Other AAFCO Comparison settings are also maintained within the System Options section of the Concept5 program.

For Reference, the AAFCO Minimum Pet Food Standards are listed. Although, the user has the ultimate control over the standards used for the comparison report.

When generating the AAFCO Comparison Report, the user can select a set of standards based completly on an unlimited number of thier own set of User-Defined standards in lieu of one of the four sets of AAFCO standards.

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