Add-On Functions
(Optional Modules)
All modules interact with the base System, Concept5
Creative Formulation Concepts, LLC has served the Animal Agriculture and Food Science Industries for almost 3 decades and is recognized as specialists in formulation software development. But, extending beyond the formulation process, the CFC suite includes management systems that are fully integrated with the least cost formulation database. These systems perform a variety of functions to assist our customers achieve profit objectives, marketing and production strategies.
Maximum Return Formulation Model (ProMax)
The Maximum Return Optimization Model
maximizes profit of ingredient blends.
ProMax is anchored on modeling technology to maximize profit rather than solely minimizing costs like traditional least cost algorithms.
When ingredient supplies are a factor in deciding which products are made and at what quantities, the "Maximum Return" model allocates ingredient usage and determines which products to manufacture, at what levels for the greatest profit. The model determines and advises about disposal or sale of excess ingredient inventories.
ProMax requires minimal user input and is not restricted to the rigid confines of traditional Multi-Product optimization systems. By simultaneous reformulation of all products (subject to the specified quantity and cost of available ingredients), the model determines which products and how much of each to manufacture in order to maximize the total return over ingredient cost.
Instead of the exact number of tons required, enter a minimum or maximum tons required and a Selling Price for each blended product. Total amounts of limited ingredients may be specified as an exact amount or as a range. And, you may enter a Selling Price for limited ingredients and allow them to either be used in the blended formulas or sold, whichever will produce the maximum return.
is integrated with the Concept5 Formulation system database and is available for 30-day trials completely free of obligation. Request a Concept5 trial download and we will tell you the procedures for activating ProMax.
Product Costing and Pricing System (CPS)
This addition to the Product Formulation and Management suite is a powerful profitability analysis model – Product Costing and Pricing System (CPS). This management support software analyzes and reports product costing and pricing and gives feed manufacturers the information they need - when they need it - for establishing optimal competitive pricing strategies in a dynamic formulation environment.
CPS is easy to understand and use and is presented in a context familiar to the present-day needs of the animal feed manufacturer.
Product Pricing
A versatile Pricing System that is fully integrated with all CFC Formulation systems. It provides multiple price levels, package codes, user-defined default markups, product override capabilities for every default, on-screen sell price evaluations, and price lists that may be printed or transmitted by e-mail.
- User may define up to 25 selling price levels (i.e., wholesale, retail, dealer, etc.). The markup at each price level may be stated as a percent or dollar per ton and is applied to either raw material cost or a previous price level.
- User may define selling price rounding amount and direction for bulk and packaged pricing.
- User may define Packages that specify size and units which may be active for any product. Any number of these Package variations may be assigned to each Product.
- Packaging add-on costs may be defined as dollars per ton, dollars per package, or both.
- User has the option to change any product pricing factor or package description default at the plant/product level.
- Finished product pricing is viewed directly from the formulation screens showing all markups and add on costs.
Labeling (TAG)
A labeling generation system that simplifies the creation of labels that meet the requirements as stated in the AAFCO Official Publication. Labels are prepared directly from the Concept5 formulation system.
The system provides the means to explode out and sum up all lowest levels of ingredient components through any depth of premix levels. Low-level raw material components may also be summed into collective terms. Consistent use of the Labeling system greatly reduces the possibility of incorrect labeling of products not meeting stated nutritional guarantees.
The CFC Labeling System interfaces with publishing software (TagSoft). This direct interface assures not only proper and accurate product representation, but label presentation according to personal preference and style.
Multiple Product Optimization (MOP) Single Plant
Defines the most economical use of scarce or excess ingredients within a group of products at specified manufacturing tonnages. Invokes a least-cost algorithm that solves all formulas in the group simultaneously, allocating limited ingredients and resulting in minimized total ingredient cost.
Multiple Product Optimization - Multi-Plant ('Global')
An Optimal Procurement, Distribution, and Usage Model that optimizes ingredient usage over a defined product line while considering and allocating overall ingredient availability from all sources both locally and globally.
Used by Purchasing, Nutrition, and Formulation departments, the Model provides the most economical formula solutions and ingredient distribution among plants. It determines the advantage of alternative ingredients; identifies regional differences in ingredient markets and allocates ingredient usage within more than one formula on a simultaneous least cost basis.
During the optimization of multiple products at multiple plants, the Model considers all defined supply sources, available inventories, ingredient prices and specifications, and shipping costs.
The output of the Model is a clear analysis of the solution values and related information that is presented to the user in a convenient, reasonable and understandable format.
Multi-Step Formulation
A Formulation Model for the definition and direct simultaneous solution of the most complex products that undergo a significant change in moisture (usually loss) and require multiple manufacturing steps.
The key objective of the Model is to minimize the cost per ton of the finished product (instead of just minimizing the cost per ton of raw materials used). The Multi-Step/Multi-Component System defines product specifications in terms of the manufacturing processes that are required. Nutrients requirements may be stated both at the finished product moisture level, or at any intermediate step in the manufacturing process. Ingredient restrictions are allowed as a percent of a single step in the process and/or as percent of the finished product total.
Ingredient Buyer's Assistant (IBA)
This module rapidly evaluates the worth and tonnage requirements of ingredients for a given location. It provides a handy side-by-side comparison of ton and period formula cost, with and without alternate ingredients. It provides for a substitution option in case of bin contention and side-by-side comparison of total ingredient requirements.
It includes a Parametric Evaluation of ingredient price changes for multiple products and can identify the breakpoints in ingredient costs that will alter ingredient usage as routine least costing is performed.
Overall ingredient usage can be more clearly defined and scheduling better controlled.

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